Day 5 photos--Communication with insurance in California and with the Landspitali Hospital
April 7, 2022
A good part of the day was spent communicating with the insurance agent in California. No, any surgery done outside USA will not be covered. After finishing the conversation with them I seriously thought about delaying the surgery till I reach California. But then realized it will take a long time to schedule surgery--because we live in a rural area. Talked to parents in Pakistan who wanted me to fly business class to Karachi and then get the surgery done there. Talked to the Landspitali Hospital who put me on the list for surgery on April 7 but later said they could not do it; I was asked to try the following day. Should I stay in Reykjavik till I am finally called for surgery? Will it take several days? What should the family members meanwhile? Our return ticket was for April 11. If Landspitali does not schedule me till April 11, should I leave for San Francisco, but on reaching California stay in the Bay Area where things would move faster than they would in Lakeport? Everything was up in the air. And what about the surgery expenses in Iceland? The hospital had not mentioned anything about the costs but once they schedule me, would they ask for the money first, before the surgery? Should I offer to pay some money using a credit card and rest to be paid later? Would the hospital agree to such an arrangement or would they turn me down and ask me to go to California and get the surgery done there.
My left leg was in cast, but it was still a real struggle going to the toilet. For the best part of the day, I stayed in bed.
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